Introduction - ASP.NET AJAX and Web Parts
Ajax Web Parts Part 1 - Drag and Drop
Ajax Web Parts Part 2 - Web Part Connections
Ajax Web Parts Part 3 - Dynamic Web Parts
Ajax Web Parts Part 4 - Dynamic Web Part Connections
Download the source - Part 1
Download the source - Part 2
Download the source - Part 3
Download the source - Part 4
In this post I'm going to describe the very basic steps required to get Web Parts drag and drop up and running from scratch. This will use a Calendar item, added to a Web Part Zone, to make a generic Web Part. This is the standard demonstration of Web Parts that has been used in a multitude of other Web Part tutorials - it's replication here is purely to get the basic components in place before moving on to other, more advanced, topics.
Click here to see what will be created.
Required Components
At present, due to the evolving nature of the subject, there are a large number of different versions of ASP.NET and its related components. These components can appear in releases with titles such as “futures”, “extensions” and “Community Technology Previews (CTPs)". As a result, one of the major challenges when working with ASP.NET is finding the appropriate set of components to use – each release appears to have its own unique fixes and quirks and, consequently, it can be difficult to find the correct combination to achieve the desired results. Hopefully ASP.NET 4.0 will fix all the bugs and tie everything together!
Therefore, when working with ASP.NET AJAX and Web Parts we will require more than the standard ASP.NET framework; extra components are needed either to add functionality or to fix problems in the current release. To begin with we will start with a standard system and add these extra components as required.
Initially, to follow along with the code in these posts, you will require 2 things:
1. Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Web Developer Express
2. The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
Creating the initial project
From the file menu, select "New Web Site" and then choose "AJAX Control Toolkit WebSite" from the list of available options:
Adding the Web Part Components
Now we need to add a few components to the page to give us something to work with.
From the toolbox, when in design or split mode, drag the following items onto the default.aspx page:
From the WebParts toolbox tab:
- 1 x Web Part Manager
- 2 x Web Part Zones
Then, from the Standard toolbox tab, drag a Calendar component and drop it into the first Web Part Zone - this will automatically convert the Calendar into a generic Web Part.
After the addition of these items, the default.aspx page should look as shown below (it also includes a ToolkitScriptManager which is there as a consequence of the initial project choice we made. At present this isn't being used, but will be required later.)
Before we can actually run this project, and get the drag and drop behaviour that we’re after, we need to make a small addition to the code behind.
Display Modes and Personalization
If you were to run the project in its current state, you would see one of two things - either you would get a database error, or you would see the Calendar component, but would be unable to change its position.
The reason why drag and drop is not yet possible is due to the display mode setting of the Web Part Manager. Display modes are used to define what operations can be performed on the Web Parts; the default display mode is "Browse" and this is the mode currently used by our page. In this mode it's only possible to do basic operations, such as minimize and close; it's not possible to perform drag and drop. To enable drag and drop requires, at a minimum, the display mode to be changed to "Display".
However, things aren't quite so simple. When web parts are moved on the page it's necessary to save the information about their new positions so that they can be restored to these locations the next time the page is rendered. This information is stored into a personalization table in a database. Thus, to enable the more advanced features of Web Parts, such as drag and drop, requires a database to be available. If you haven't yet got a database the easiest option is to download SQL Server Express.
To set the Web Part Manager’s display mode, add the following code into the Default.aspx.cs file:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
// set the display mode to "Design" to allow drag and drop
WebPartDisplayMode mode = WebPartManager1.SupportedDisplayModes["Design"];
if (mode != null)
WebPartManager1.DisplayMode = mode;
If this is the first time that the page is being rendered (i.e. not a postback), then this code checks the Web Part Manager to see if the "Design" mode is contained in its list of supported display modes. If it is, then it sets this to be the current display mode.
We now have everything in place to enable drag and drop. Press F5 to run the project and hopefully you should see the following output:
- when the cursor is hovered over the title bar it should change to the directional cursor and clicking and holding on the Calendar web part's title bar should enable it to be selected and dragged to the second Web Part Zone.
However, with the current release of ASP.NET 3.5, if you have run this in a browser other than IE (e.g. Firefox), then the chances are that the drag and drop won't be working - to fix this we need to make another modification.
Web Part Drag and Drop in Firefox
For some reason Microsoft have chosen not to include the fix for Firefox (and other non-IE) browsers in the latest releases of the ASP.NET framework. To get things working in all browsers requires the download of the Microsoft ASP.NET Futures (July 2007) Release - obviously this is a technology preview release and is therefore not supported for production sites - however, the alternative is to not have drag and drop support for all non-Microsoft browsers, so you need to choose which of these is the most important to you.
Once this futures release has been downloaded, its components need to be added to your Visual Studio toolbox. To do this, you need to do the following steps:
- In the toolbox window, move the cursor into the bottom tab pane and right click to bring up the context menu. From this choose "Add Tab" and create a new tab for the futures release.
- From within this new tab pane, select "Choose Items.." from the right-click context menu.
- In the dialog that appears choose browse and locate the futures DLL (mine was downloaded to C:\Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Futures July 2007\v1.3.61025\3.5).Click on OK once all the components of this DLL have been selected. All these components should then be added to the new tab of the toolbox, as shown below.
As you can see, the toolbox now contains both a WebPartManager and WebPartZone that have been added from the Futures release. All we need to do now are replace the standard versions of these that we'd added already with these new Futures versions and that should fix our Web Parts drag and drop for all browsers.
AJAX Enabling The Web Parts
We've only one thing left to do, and that's remove the annoying postbacks that occur when the Web Parts are moved. To do this we simply need to wrap everything in an UpdatePanel from the AJAX Extensions tab of the toolbox. We already have a ScriptManager present from the AJAX Control Toolbox - however, for consistency, I've chosen to remove this and replace it with the standard version. Once everything is in place, the body of my default.aspx file now looks as follows:
Click here to see this in action.
This concludes the introduction to Web Parts. In future posts I'll expand apon this simple project to show how Web Parts can be combined with both the ASP.NET AJAX framework and the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit Tab component.